Writing Center Tutoring


The Writing Center offers Fullerton College students 30 minute one-on-one tutorial sessions with supervised, trained student/peer tutors or with English and ESL instructors. The Writing Center welcomes students from all disciplines for assistance with all writing projects. Students can receive help with all parts of the writing process: brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing.

Appointments are recommended but walk-in assistance is also often available. Students may schedule up to two appointments per week. EOPS students may have two additional appointments per week.

The tutor training program at Fullerton College has been certified by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).

After completing English 280, Language Arts Tutoring Practicum, Writing Center tutors are CRLA certified. In addition, many of the tutors in the Writing Center have achieved advanced or master tutor status through subsequent training and tutoring.

Peer Tutoring Information

English 280 Information